
Work in progress

Ethnic Procurement
(with Vasily Korovkin and Pasha Andreyanov)

  • The role of ethnic ties in Russian public procurement auctions
  • Large database of 20 million purchases with information on prices, detailed product categories, bureaucrats etc.

Optimal Targeting of Interventions to Reduce Air Pollution
draft, slides (very preliminary - do not cite)

  • I apply air pollution transport modelling (HYSPLIT) to compute the average population exposure to pollution caused by crop residue burning across different locations in North India
  • The results will be used to calculate spatially optimal policy for targeting of interventions to reduce crop residue burning

The Effect of Vitamin A and Deworming on Education
OSF registration, Pre-analysis plan

  • I plan to use administrative and census data to estimate the effects of DEVTA trial on school enrollment and academic achievement
  • DEVTA trial was a large-scale experiment in India which randomized vitamin A supplemtation and deworming treatment to pre-school children to study the effects on health outcomes (see Awasthi et al. 2012a and Awasthi et al. 2012b)